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Tutorials are designed to be followed in order, as each tutorial builds on the previous one. The tutorial system is built with Web Containers, which means that you can run the code in your browser without having to install anything on your computer.


  • Rabby or Metamask installed in your browser
  • A web browser with WASM support (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari)

If you are using Brave, you will need to disable shields for the webcontainers to work.

Code snippets

All code snippets are in TypeScript, and are executed in a sandboxed environment. You can edit the code and run it again.

Let's look at the current code snippet:

import type { Web3Provider } from '@ethersproject/providers'

export async function run(provider: Web3Provider): Promise<unknown> {
  // TODO: Implement

Web3 Provider

The tutorials allows for the use of a browser's Web3 provider, such as Rabby or Metamask. The provider argument is a Web3Provider from the ethers.js library.

This is automatically injected into the code snippet, and you can use it to interact with the blockchain via your browser's wallet.

run function

Tutorials are very simple plain TypeScript, and the run function is the entry point for the code snippet. This function is called when you click the "Run" button.

Running the code

Let's finish the code snippet by adding some debugging and returning a value:

import type { Web3Provider } from '@ethersproject/providers'

export async function run(provider: Web3Provider): Promise<unknown> {
  console.log('Hello world!');
  return {
	message: "Hello world!"

Once you click the "Run" button, you should see the following output:

  "message": "Hello world!"

You will see that the console output is not visible. To see this, you must open the browser's developer tools (F12) and select the "Console" tab.

Next: Approving sell token

import type { Web3Provider } from '@ethersproject/providers'
export async function run(provider: Web3Provider): Promise<unknown> {
  // TODO: Implement